Anti-Deterrence Blog Post Grey Puzzle PiecePolicy

Anti-deterrence: The gaping hole in your whistleblowing policy?

August 30, 2021

It takes as little as a strategic pause, a pointed look, perhaps a slight arch of the eyebrow, and the job is done. Your employees have the message loud and clear. Speak up about wrongdoing in the team, and they risk the wrath of their first-line leader.   Yes. All your efforts at creating a…

Whistle BlowersEthics

International Fraud Awareness Week 2015

November 16, 2015

International Fraud Awareness Week kicks off Nov. 15, 2015 worldwide Whistle Blowers (Pty) Ltd Joins Movement to Shine a Spotlight on Fraud Fraud costs organisations worldwide an estimated 5% of their annual revenues, according to a study conducted by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE). If applied to the 2014 estimated Gross World Product,…

Whistle BlowersPolicy

Corporate Whistle Blowing Policy

August 23, 2011

The government and the business community have placed enormous emphasis on corporate governance in the last few years. So much so that the new companies act (2008) which came into being in May this year (and which replaces to old act of 1973) clearly stipulates in section 159 that “a public company and a state-owned…